Hello and welcome back to another A+ Home Improvements’ project! This week, we decided to take a break from the interior repairs and showcase a front porch rebuild. Homeowners decide which renovations to tackle based off a myriad of reasons. In this situation, the front porch had reached a condition that forced our client to address it. Considering the age of the home, the existing structure lacked the proper framing needed for continued use. The existing porch floor had also been covered in plywood in an effort to squeeze a few more years out of it. Unfortunately, the porch reached a point where even the world’s biggest band-aid wouldn’t work. We sketched the drawings, obtained approval and geared up to tackle the project. Turned out pretty sweet!

While we knew that the wood structure needed a front porch rebuild, the foundation itself remained salvageable. The brick showed signs of spalling, but with some tuck pointing and repair it was good to go. We reframed the joists to provide the proper strength needed for lasting durability. For the porch floor, we opted to install treated tongue and groove porch boards that provided a safe surface while also preserving the look of the older home. We also installed new posts and wrapped them in composite 1x to avoid any future rot. The original porch did not contain handrails, so we installed new rails to come into compliance with current codes. The final product turned out perfectly, and the new porch was ready for many more years of use.
A+ Home Improvements remains ready to help with all of your home improvements needs. We tackle interior projects ranging from bathrooms and kitchens, along with exterior projects like decks and porches. Give us a call to go over your project today – we look forward to working with you!!